Biden Labels Putin as “Crazy S.O.B” Throughout San Francisco Charity Event

Joe Biden

During a fundraising event in San Francisco on Wednesday, United States President Joe Biden did not dice words when he referred to Russian Head of state Vladimir Putin as a “insane boy of a b” according to a report by CNN.

Biden expressed his issue about the worldwide risks positioned by leaders like Putin, specifying, “We have an insane S.O.B. that man, Putin, others. And we constantly need to be stressed over a nuclear conflict. But the existential danger to humankind is climate.”

In addition to his remarks concerning Putin, Biden also dealt with remarks made by former President Donald Trump.

Trump had drawn parallels between his legal challenges and the predicament of Alexei Navalny, a popular Russian opposition leader and movie critic of the Kremlin. Biden, paraphrasing Trump’s contrast, shown to the audience his shock, claiming, “if I stood below 10 to 15 years ago and claimed all this, you would certainly all assume I should be committed.”
Biden continued, “He’s comparing himself to Navalny and stating that due to the fact that our nation’s become a communist nation, he was maltreated, just like Navalny was persecuted. Where the heck does this originated from,” underscoring his astonishment at the comparison.

Significantly, Trump, that is seen as the Republican frontrunner for the 2024 presidential race, attracts attention amongst Western leaders, consisting of Biden, for not having condemned Russia or Putin in connection with Navalny’s fatality.

The background to these remarks includes Trump’s previous project statements, where he recounted harmful allies to provoke Russia into aggression to urge them to increase their NATO contributions.

These statements mixed significant issue amongst allies, prompting the NATO Assistant General to interest Trump not to weaken the alliance’s deterrence system.

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